How to undertake venepuncture to obtain venous blood samples

Nurse undertaking venepuncture

Learn how to undertake venepuncture to obtain venous blood samples.

Available to RCNi Plus subscribers

This practical module will help nurses and nursing students understand the procedure for carrying out venepuncture and obtaining venous blood samples, emphasising the importance of undertaking a visual assessment of the patient's skin and palpating the veins to identify a suitable site. Learning aims and intended outcomes After completing this module, you should be able to: List the preparation steps and the equipment used for carrying out venepuncture. Understand the optimal sites for venepuncture. Identify the correct procedure for obtaining venous blood samples using both a needle and a butterfly device. Describe the reasons behind clinical best practice when undertaking venepuncture. This learning module answers these questions: How do you use venipuncture to collect a venous blood sample? What is the procedure for venepuncture vein selection? How to take a venous blood sample? What are the steps of venous blood collection? Disclaimer Please note that information provided by RCNi Learning is not sufficient to ensure competence in the skill. Assessment of competence should take place in line with local practice. Practice should always align with local protocols and procedures, latest guidelines and any regulatory code. All modules should currently be viewed together with available national and local Covid-19 guidelines. For advice, go to

Resource last reviewed

8 Aug 2024


Sally Jane Shaw (Clinical skills trainer, VIP Venepuncture and Cannulation Training, Warwickshire, England.)